Last (saturday night/sunday morning) night at 1am Lois called me into the clinic because dear Mary Joy Yahot (another continuity) was in labor. Mary Joy was special because she's 19, was having a hard time with her boyfriend, and had tried to abort the baby with medication in the first trimester. She knew prior to delivery that her baby (boy from ultrasound) could possibly be 'abnormal'. We prayed that all would be okay.
I checked her at 2am, she was 6 cm (first time having a baby..) so I thOUGht there was plENty of time. A half hour later she was spontaneously pushing a bit, but i explained again how waiting until she's fully until pushing is a good thing. Next thing i knew she's like "uhh, jenna...i feel something coming out, like blood or something" (she was pacing the birthroom at the time). I lifted up her dress to reveal the BABY'S HEAD already out :S ye-ahhh, so she waddled over to the bed, while I threw gloves on but the baby was born completely unassisted, without pushing, by miss Mary Joy.. so USually first-timers have a long labor, and have to push hARD to get the baby out. but thIS little boy just fell out! She didn't even tear! We all had a good laugh about it after making sure the baby was ok (he was perfectly fine, by the way).so thEN I ask, "what will you name your first son?"
to which she replied, "harry john"
then I go "what will the spelling be?"
and she goes "h-a-i-r-y john, you know, like hair" (as she lifts up her ponytail)
and i laughed.. as did the rest of the midwives.
my supervisor then goes "how about hUrry, because he was in such a rush to get out!"
[later on while filling out the birth certificate, I re-checked the spelling with Mary Joy. and she has decided that "Hurry John" is the most appropriate name for her son!! hahah, what a story she'll have to tell at hIS wedding!!]
Sunday, October 28, 2007
aaand yet another..
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Being a part of nEW lIFE~
Last night on shift I had the opportunity to deliver Annabelle's 2nd baby. She was my continuity, a particularly cool situation for me because I delivered her sister's (Analyn) baby last spring. The birth was 'perfect', medically-speaking - she came in fully dilated at 3:30am and little Mary Kate was born at 4:34am. Her boyfriend (Michael), along with Analyn's bf (James) brought her to Mercy and were a great support for her. Although, James waited outside in the hall, of course. I cannot wait to visit their entire household!! I am so incredibly blessed to have been a part of their lives. These pictures show Annabelle with her new daughter, Mary Kate (just 3 hours old!).
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
aMAZinggly relAXEd!
I had a bit of a crazy weekend, with clinic on friday, dayshift sunday, and clinic again monday morning.. we also handed in our Family Planning assignments, and took (and passed) the test for that, AND received our next assignment - all about genetic screening and diagnostic testing (which I'm looking forward to studying!) bUt. after the test on monday, Lois and I met Jenny and her dad who is here "on buisness" visiting Jenny! We were blEssed with the opportunity of staying the night at Paradise. and Uhh. Everything is right with the world (at least for now, in my mind).
Sunday, October 14, 2007
the mysterious "Lake Agco"
1)on the way UP!..
2)in front of Lake Agco.
3)a view of the resort..
4)i've ALways wanted a pet monkey :|
Ate May and Kuya Arex, boiling the eggs:)
This past wkd I went with Rose to our supervisor's place in Makilala and took a day trip to Lake AGCO, located at the foot of Mount Apo (the tallest volcano on this island) to experience all of the natural wOnders of the mountain. The "lake", as they call it, turned out to be (for me) more of a pond! But, it was breathtaking, none-the-less! As you can see from the first picture, lake Agco was sO hOt it was boiling and steamy...we actually boiled eggs in it for part of our lunch! The people there say that the lake gets angry if it's noisy and steams up to hide - so we were all whispering :) hahah, it was so cool. Actually, it wOUld steam more if we forgot to be quiet...
Whaaat eeelse, there was a natural spring pool (freezing to everyone except me), a "mud" bath - which turned out to be just muddy water, although still natural, and warm. There was paths and trails, and boiling clay to cover your body with, and a steam cave - the steam was natural and smelled like sulphur, but the cave was man-made.. It started raining around 2pm and we waited it out until 5:30ish to ride back on the motorcycles we packed onto to get there. At that point, I could ACTually see my breath, which was aMAZing because I haven't experienceD that kinda thing since last, last winter. The filipinos kept saying there was smoke coming out of the mouth, and I was trying to think of the word we use for that, and couldn't...i think i've deduced that it doesn't exist.
It was SUCh a nice, relaxing weekend...getting out of the city is pure bLIss! I'll leave you with just one last picture, that was posted before the trail leading to mount Apo. It reminded me of the movie Hitch...right?!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
it's finally Friday
and that means i was FINally able to hand out the bags of food we/you supplied, bought, and put together! THe first picture here depicts the girls dividing up all the food into individual blue bags - working hard on a friday night. And the next ones are of our patients receiving the bags after their prenatal, just before going home. We made ~350 bags, and handed out those bags ALL week, and there are still leftovers! It's been so amazing to bless these women in this way, a little extra somethin', for no good reason except that Jesus loves them!
Once again, thank you for your excitement in this. Through trying to show these girls love, i've been learning crazy new things about blessings myself, and growing in the process of putting my 'problems' or 'stuff' aside to help somebody ELSE out (whether that be at the clinic, or in a house brimming with girls who are all also missing home and whatnot).
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
an UPdate on Mercy.
and i DO mean "mercy"!! The DOH came in monday morning with comPLETely different spirits than before...she was open to the explanations Krys (our director) had to offer instead of cutting her off left and right. SHe was impressed with the changes we have implimented to comply with her demands, AND she agreed to take the issue of training foreigners to CHED (commission of higher education) locally instead of Manila, which is exactly what we wanted. The board here knows us, knows about us, and understands the impact we make in our poor community and I doubt they will have much of a problem with what we're doing. Although not completely resolved, there has been incredible headway made and it lOOks as though I won't be pACKin' my bags any time soon! thank goodness. [not that i don't want to come home, it's just...i wouldn't have anything to dO when i got there!] I'm sure you understand!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
a little spIN on thanksGIVing feasts..
Let me start the pictures with the final product you see before you. Last Friday I was fortunate enough to accompany a few of the filipinas who, after calculating food and rations enough for 350 families, went to buy the stock. Here is the rice/noodle/and canned fish fest you see before you in the clinic's kitchen after much work of loading and unloading.
Our girls bargaining with the suppliers to get the best deal possible...when asked what this was all about, they simply replied their foreigner staff wanted to bless their people. Everyone was so interested in what was going on...and why (or how) we could buy so much rice.
A stock boy helping to load those huge bags of rice into the multicab.
The multicab packED full of good food! We got rice, mongo beans, noodles, canned fish, vinegar packets, soy packets, etc. to divide and fill individual bags for our patients.
aaaaand, the UNloading! It's kinda cool how this all worked out. We are ready to start this week handing out the food bags. Therefore, anyone who comes for prenatals this whole week will receive a bag of food. Tomorrow just so happens to be the day the DOH (department of health) is coming in for a "final inspection". The update there is that our clinic is fine, we will have our renewed license in hand this week...bUT, the DOH is concerned with the amount of foreign students working at the clinic. They still have the power to say we are not allowed to be helping out at the clinic in the capcity we currently are, which would ultimately shut down Mercy Maternity for lack of man-power. They are aware of this fact, and will hopefully see the care and compassion we have for the ladies we serve. The DOH has appointed monday morning at 7:30 am as a final review. We are excited it fell on this day, trusting and excited about what the Lord has for the clinic.
Thank you for your suppORt in all of this, it means such a great deal to me as well as the other foreigners living here and the native people of Davao..
Thursday, October 04, 2007
@LL wør†h i†..
Last night's nightshift began with being endorsed Genevieve Batoon, an inactive labor who'd been at the clinic since 5pm. She was sleeping at the time, and I decided to let her rest instead of checking vitals right away. Every hour, on the hour, from that point on I'd complete my checks...and kind of sit with her while contractions grew stronger. It was a routine of ours that she would go to the CR (bathroom) at every check, so that was fun because sometimes she'd go before I'd ask! Her sister was dead asleep on the bed in the adjacent cubicle.
At 1am I found her on her knees beside the bed her sister was in, her labor much more active. She had SROM at 1:35 am and at 2 I did an internal exam to check her dilation. With a little anterior lip (left on her cervix), we suggested she move into a "hands and knees" position! OH my, i've delivered babies with women lying on their side before, which is prETTy easy to figure out... But completely upside-down required my fULL attention! (especially because she was emptying her bowels at this time..). It was her fourth time giving birth and therefore the span of time from "head visible" to "head out, baby out" was all within one contraction! I eased the baby down, and unwrapped the cord that had strung up the baby by the heels (literally). The baby thEN went under and between Gen's legs as she flipped over onto her back to wait for the placenta.
The baby needed to be deep suctioned, and was having a hard time with the transition to extrauterine life. I ended up transporting her to the hospital soon afterwards, which is a post in itself beCAUSE I carry in this (somewhat fragile) newborn only to find premature twins beside us in the ICU (one of which was being placed into a shoe box because he hadn't been strong enough to make it). Oh was nuts. They're heads were sO smALL.
I was able to reassure Gen, after seeinG the twins, that hER baby girl would be ABsolutely fine! Our patients stay at the clinic until stabilized before joining their newborn at the hospital. I made Gen some breakfast (special priviledges for pt's without their babiesss :P) and was just finishing up paper work and such when she asks me "what name you?" (the literal translation of her language to mine) And I answered "jenna" - we had gone through this when we met, but she was in labor at that point, soooo. After a bit of silence I asked "do you have a name for your daughter yet?" and, in a tiny sweet voice she replies "jenna." Oh my goodness. How fUN! Next I asked "how will you spell it?" and she goes "just like you". AWE! Anyways, it's cool because now Genevieve has a daughter named Jenna :D
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
biGGESt Birthday Wishes...
dearest MOM, you know how much you've done for me (I live it everyday)...not only carrying me around for nine months, but for 23 years after this whole process you're still 'mothering', and 'gRANDmothering' now (not for me...for Rob.). Just wanted to thank you for how completely selfless you've been as a mom, and how incredibly helpful you always are to me. I pray nothing but another aaamazing year of your life, on thIS the day of your birth!
i misssssssss youuuu.