Thursday, October 11, 2007

it's finally Friday

and that means i was FINally able to hand out the bags of food we/you supplied, bought, and put together! THe first picture here depicts the girls dividing up all the food into individual blue bags - working hard on a friday night. And the next ones are of our patients receiving the bags after their prenatal, just before going home. We made ~350 bags, and handed out those bags ALL week, and there are still leftovers! It's been so amazing to bless these women in this way, a little extra somethin', for no good reason except that Jesus loves them!
Once again, thank you for your excitement in this. Through trying to show these girls love, i've been learning crazy new things about blessings myself, and growing in the process of putting my 'problems' or 'stuff' aside to help somebody ELSE out (whether that be at the clinic, or in a house brimming with girls who are all also missing home and whatnot).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics...SOOO much fun to see how our prayers are answered, etc.!!! Love ya! Bonnie