Monday, April 30, 2007

we went out on saturday night, and the restaurant we were at had the guy to the left singing for the patrons. BUt, these guys (Aaron (middle) and John (right)) just played at the wedding last weekend and we asked if they could sing our favourite song HERE, at the restaurant. They did SUCh a good job, and it was cool because it gave the other guy a little break.

This picture is taken in John's house. The 'youth' as tiffany and I call them (young adults) hang out here most sunday afternoons. We intrude on his poor mother, who always accepts us with a big smile and a table full of good food! (sticky rice and soft drinks) ahah.

He lives a few blocks from this beach, so we end up hanging out here often as well. (there was also a fair...we rode the ferris wheel, i felt a little sick, and we also went on the terror train..hahaha, a big dark tunnel with black light and glow-in-a-dark was scary!)

and jUSt because I don't tALk about it, my karoke career plugs on...ahaha, its really everywhere I go, and yes, i'll admit, i lOVE having a microphone in hand.


michelle said...

sing it girl!!! haha i LOVE YOU !!!!!

Anonymous said... much fun. To tell you the truth...having these friends makes this place more of a home. I LIKE living here! haha. I think we'll all grow closer together with time :)

JennJo said...

I love that you guys do this! Way to integrate and enjoy life outside of midwifery! ;-)

MaryJocelyn said...

JENNA! looked at your blog with my mom this morning. I love checking out what your up to over my morning tea. Soooo proud of your kareoke talent and bravery..CAN'T wait for you to hit up some of the places here in Toronto! (I can't promise i'll get up there with the mic...but I may throw in a few back-ups here and there...ONLY because i love you soo much though) Looks like your having a blast Jenna! Talk to you sunday.