Monday, March 19, 2007

Well, I guess my vacation is coming to a close. What a whirlwind of activity, Jenna doesn't sit still for long. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of keeping up until last night when she ran up several flights of stairs (she didn't know where the elevator was and didn't think it important). I climbed the stairs OK just not as fast!!! We were on our way to an Italian restaurant. We have also eaten at a French establishment and Thai food, and a Mongolian Grill; a few filipinos homes for lunch, lots of seafood. Look out gourmet club - we are going to try some new dishes!!!
Jenna asked me what was the highlight of my trip. We have done so many varied and different types of things; mountain resort, beach resort, VERY poor and rustic filipino home for lunch, very rich filipino home for lunch, a day on the ocean with scuba divers - no I did not dive - lots of swimming and so on. However as I contemplated her question- I realized that the highlight was the night I went with her to work and watched her deliver an adorable and oh so tiny baby girl. The mother was awesome and it really was something to see - my baby delivering a baby!!!
I told Jenna how much I was going to miss her and her life here and she was quick to point out that my time here hasn't been exactly how she lives. She is after all a poor student - walks everywhere, doesn't eat out except for b-day celebrations, certainly doesn't frequent resorts of any kind and keeps her nose in the books when she is not at work. In fact she is starting to get behind in her schoolwork so I guess it really is time for me to leave. My flight leaves Davao at 6:45 p.m. Monday, I will be in San Francisco 7:30 p.m. Monday, and in Buffalo 10:30 Tuesday a.m.

1 comment:

jenna and brianna konkle said...

all the blogging ISN't becuase i'm LONEly.
it's because i sit at my computer all working TYPing out this assignment!...and obviously, by the number of blogs, i've been procrastinating.