Wednesday, March 21, 2007


FIRST OFF, I'd like to give the biGGESt, moSt excitEd CONGRATULATIONS to my dearest CHristine Martens, who just got enGAGEd to Bradley Morgan! The date's been set AUGUSt 3rd...ohh my, that's so so soon. i'll come home to everyone married off with houses, and big bellies (couldn't BEE a more perfect time to return!) I know Brad'll throw a fun wedding..and whAt an amAZinggg wedding party!

NEXT, i have some news from here also. Leah Drayer, an mk (missionary kid) is ALSO getting a filipino (brianna, you'd be in lOVe, he's got dreads halfway down his back!) and she's asked ME to stand up with her. Yes! I'm going to be a bridesmaid, yet again! I cannot wait. We're having our dresses custom made. THe tailor just drew up my dress before my very eyes while I described it to huh. They're coming along nicely! The weddings April 21st. Here are a few pics of the fittings (and dreads..)
the other maids.

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