Saturday, December 02, 2006

hEllO one and all!

[this pic is for you, Juls...] I signed Krystal and I up for a little 5K'r this morning at 6 am.. it was almost just like the run's at home, which was impressive, sonsored by DELmonte. There were over 1000 participants (it was 100p ($2) to enter!) and everyone, including a pack from the philippine ARMY was out to support the cause. I'm not big into racing, but Krystal had once told me it was a goal of hers to be in a race before she leaves, so, when the opportunity arose, I made her ;) (she beat me!)

No, but, this is a hilARIous, I am used to hearing 'gOOd MOrnINggg..' in their little filipino accents, but as we were running BACK from the halfway point, we passed the army guys, who were all running in straight lines in a pack (quite impressive), they had a leader and were chanting things they he would say. and when WE passed, the leader goes "good morning"...haha, AND THE WHOLE ENTIRE ARMY says "GOOD MORNING" to us as we ran passed. it.was.amazing! ahahah

I gUEss we did fairly well..I'm still waiting to hear the results, but i DO know we ran it in under 30 minutes...I think that last run Julie, Christine and I did was like 27 minutes...and I'm PRETTY sure I could run 5k in under 20 min. in, maybe that'll be a goal. As I said, Krystal did well, we ran together but she definetly kept up a fast pace, which surprised ME as I had to convince her all wEEk to run it with me, and made her promise that no matter what, we wouldn't walk...she's all into it now. And i think this will be the start of a beAUtiful racing friendship!and we the proceeded to wear the same shIRt today..cuz we're a team like that :P

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