Friday, October 13, 2006

SECOND assignment is IN! and I am currently watching a gecko explore the kitchen wall above the sink. Today was my first DAY birthroom shift (from 6am-2)...every time I go into work I am amazed. Giving birth is hARd! I guess I'm just in a great mood because it was sUch a good shift, one poor soul did not have a husband, or 'helper' to be with her while labouring [her father was waiting outside, and I was thinking what the hEck I'd do if MY dad was the only one to be my labour coach :S, no offense, Dad...]. It worked out though because I got to do all that stuff for her, ya know, be her support. Whether that was putting my hand on her shoulder and breathing with her, or wiping the sweat off her face, or being the MUScle she hung from when squatting out that baby - it was incredible. ANd incredibly HOt. and sticky...but that part was all worth it! I saw too other labours as well this morning, but only 'counted' the first. I am supposed to see ten labours, from when they come in, to well after the antepartum stuff of making sure the uterus is clamping, and the baby bath (my favourite part!) and so on, before I can start charting the information. THEN it's 5 'charts', and then 5 'assists', where I'm the second-hand man, until I can catch my own baby. Which is scary because my supervisor is kind of a NUt. It's good though because she just throws me into situations, usually because there is no one else, but I'm learning aLOT. I usually work with all filipina midwives. and SHE says that if you 'let' her tear, you gotta sew her back I'd bEttEr learn how to suture before I start handling, not that I am going to let anyone tear...its just envitable sometimes.
On my way home, there are these little boys in the street, (there are girls too but the boys are more aggressive). They come up to me with their hands stretched WAY above their head, waiting for me to stick MY hand out for a high-five! ahah, they try and hit as hard as they can as i laugh, and sometimes cry. it's fun though.
Lets see, what ElSe?! After handing in that assignment, Jonah and I went to SM mall (a ritzy one across town) to get these amazing calzones and take our DINNer into the theatre! - ya. you can DO that here...they actually encourage it. It was a great movie, and we still had time to shop before the mall closed so I had a pretty great friday nite. EvEn though I have carols running through my head right now, it was weird because NOW they have halloween customes out, WITH Christmas carols playing throughout the mall...kinda a horrible combination.
I hope everyone's well at home...Mom said the QEW is CLOSED at some point by fort erie because of SNOW :S I thought it was ONly october, but I could be wrong. i AM on the other side of the world. [good lUCk with the SNOW.]

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