Saturday, October 07, 2006

on ANGELS wings..

You know when some thing is so right that it just clICks in hardly any time at all...mmm. I lOVe that.
I went to Living Stones Orphanage today :S They currently have about 8 children under the age of 3, then a couple special needs kids and some older ones that go to school. I GUEss a lot of the younger ones have homes they will be going to soon, so thAt'll be so nice for them. I kinda fell in-love with this one boy, Jon Jon [ya, they seem to double up words a LOT here]. He's a bit older, can't talk yet and even if he could I wouldn't be able to understand him! But we connected. [He's about the same age as Owen]. He's a handfull, thAt's for sure. and throws a fIt if something doesn't go his way :)..but, don't worry...i did NOT give into that. It's kinda like 'being a parent 101'. I wanted to take him home with me reeeeal badly, but chose instead to concentrate on my current assignment that's due friday. SATurday, however, Lois and I have plans to take Jon Jon and one of his little buddies to the pool! I can't wait. i MIGHT be playing with my own heart a bit, but thAt's what i seem to do.
Michelle: these pictures are for you..and i ASKed, Living Stones would glADly accept some help..

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