~ i AM a midwife.
~ i am still becoming who i am as a person. knowing i need/want to change for the better and constantly (hopefuLLy) moving forward in that area...He is very gracious in this regard!
~ i have delivered 115 babies since Dec.7/06 and often times don't even remember this fact! I converse with obstetricians and gynecologists and doctors about certain cases, follow other cases after referring them out, and learn nEW things DAILy...but I have the knowledge anD the experience to deliver babies for the rest of my LiFE. I can not imagine how many that would add up to... it's kind of scary, but crazy cooL to think about! and, What does the future really hoLD?!
~ i should read more.
~ i will go back to being a "normaL" white girL living in Canada in less than 2 months...and will leave that statement at that, for the time being..
~ i am missing faLL!! My favourite season is once again slipping by, not without me thinking fondly of it (because i dO frequently), but without having the privilege of be submersed in wooly sweaters, and colourfuL, crunchY leaves. But i AM able to go to the pooL whenever i want, still have a descent tan, and wiLL make it home for SNOW this year =)
~ i am nOT able to be in 13 places at once...i am not even able to be in 2 places at once...although I'm constantly doing so in my head- davao city, BOhol, TabuK, Greenlane Rd., Rittenhouse, Tallman, Menno St., VINEland in general, NOTL Concession 7, MEXico (mom), South Korea (jamie dear), Australia (Krista and Evan), Japan (for no good reason at aLL), etc.
~ i just missed Nathan Matthew West's oh-so-natural arrivaL into the worLD - congratulations Matt and Becky =D
~ i wiLL miss darling Owen's 4TH birthday bash this coming nov.12...i can't wait to re-meet him and Alexis at the end of December <3
~ the girLsss in the OC continue to amaze me. Proof that there are incredible women aLL OVer the wORLD (and i would love to have the time to meet them aLL at some point in life) but 2 of my favs, SD and JL, are taking off to Tabuk in less than a week for almost a mONTh. Who will I watch pp and the new grey's with every weeK?! Who can I bounce off the moral implications of these shows with?! Who will I watch ANYthing w when I return to VinelanD?! mer.
~ december is ALmost upon us...and it is my personaL goaL to spread AS much Christmas cheer and joy starting dec.1 until I leave on dec.23- which reminds me, this is a LAST CALL for everyone and anyone who reads this, what can I bring you?! I currently have the philippines at my fingertips. If there is ssomething you crave from this great republic, speak now, as I won't have ANY time for Christmas shopping when I get back ;p
~ lastly, but probably the most important poinT is this conglomeration that iS my life, is that i am still an incredibly selfish human being ([exhibit a], posting an entire blog all about mE)...maybe BK should post the next one =)On our way home from chURCh last Sunday...my favourite mode of public transportation are these pedicabs where our driver peddles his little tricycle (pls excuse the awfuL smiles, ahahaa)
And the view from inside the pedicab... mmm, i hope I never forget what this looks like...