Tuesday, June 17, 2008

[at long last!] our DIAMOND anniversary~

My graduating class of 2008 celebrated reaching 75+ handles yesterday. The original plan was to have ultrasounds done on our uterus' (because we make our girls get'em, we thought we should try it also!), but weren't able to coordinate that with our consulting physician. SO, we went to the mALL and got halo-halo (the one and only true filipino dessert). We were playing president in the food court and enjoying our halo-halo until a security guard came up and told us management prohibits gambling (aka any type of cards) in public places... yIKES! hahaa, we quickly put the cards away and got OUTTA there!

AND then, we went to a cheap bowling alley (yes, each player can bowl a round for $0.25)...which is aLways a good time just before dinner! After which we crammed into a jeepney with maybe 10 other people we didn't know and got a ride to another part of town to try out a new Indian restaurant.

Lois (the indian cuisine EXpert) chose what we'd share for dinner and it was inCREDible! The owner is an Afghan who was born in Indian and raised in CANADA! That's right, Toronto actually! He graduated from McGill with a business administration degree and married a filipino a while back. It was SO nice to hear him talk of home - Niagara-on-the-Lake and the Shaw festival, and peaches, and whatnot...oh goodness, I asked him to stop so that I wouldn't start to crY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat description of your 75+ party. Thanks so much for posting it! Mom Lois