Friday, April 11, 2008

AiJEY's 1st Birthday!

A beFORE and AFter shot of my dear little godson.. he turned ONE year old on April 11. It's kind of hard to believe that a baby I delivered is already walking!, but I guess there are many more out there - babies I've helped - just walkin' and talkin' (NUTS!) hahaa, some filipinos follow a tradition of not cutting a baby's hair until its first birthday. Aijey had some cr-azy hair patterns going on...and on his birthday they bUZZEd it! I went to their place on the day after and didn't recognize him at first! They put a lock of hair in a bible, and throw the rest in a flowing stream or river (in the hopes of long, flowing hair!) hahaa. Aileen said that "they" say she needs to buzz it 5 times in a row, to help the hair grow in thick and beautiful! I guess hair is a big deal here. It was cool because they've moved out to Comval Province (which isn't so cool because I don't get to see them very often), but Jeffrey (Aileen's almost husband, boyfriend) picked me up on his motorcycle and drove me almost 2 hours out into the country to visit them for the day!

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