Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Last week wasn't so good...thus, i did not blog. I was super sick! and really wantED to be at home, in Vineland, in my OWn bed, and miserable until getting better. inSTEAd, i was swaying, on the top bunk of a bunkbed, sneezingg, and snifflingg, annoyingg and infECtingg my 4 innocent roommates. blahhh. It was not very nice - i, was not very nice. BUt i'm better now! Praise God.

and, i've had some pretty amazing things happen while i was glassy-eyed and hopped up on drugs. I got to visit the Aninon's (sisters of whom I helped deliver their babies, the boy in the pic is almost 5 months now (how crazy is it to think I delivered this little boy!)), I was able to spend some time with Aileen and her son (my god-son, Aijey), had a sKYPee date!, start a life map, play in church on Sunday, and say goodbye to a dear friend named Jamie whose on her way back to Korea.

I also was able to finish an assignment, and take the test for that section on monday. We've only got 11 more assignments to complete! And this next one we're starting, Intrapartum Complications and Risks, will take over a month to complete. Oi, so homework is planned to Christmas. WHICh, by the way, i've already started my shopping (and not jUSt for myself..:P) I'm sO on tOp of things!


Anonymous said...

Our S.S. class prayed for you...glad to hear you're feeling better....and for your test on Monday...MAN!!! Sounds like you did great on it!!! Love ya! Bonnie

michelle said...

hey jiggs, the skype date was sooo great and NEEDED! i miss you like crazy and if you were in vineland in your own bed and miserable , i totally woulda been there with a rasberry tea and a great massage .. and obviosuly a great chick flick. i love you.. did you get my letter yet?

jenna and brianna konkle said...

hah. Thanks, guys!
and no, i have not received your letter yet...i was even at the post office yesterday! I'll keep lookin though. aweeeee, raspberry tea! did you know the timmies doesn't even hAVE raspberry tea anymore. i was shocked!! mitch, your comment almost makes me want to get sick again, and come home for rEAL this time :(

Mai Catarina said...

Not annoying, just infecting. We love you, Jenna.