Wednesday, August 29, 2007

a month in review -

a liTTle nuts but, this is the first time i've had the chance to sit (currently in an air-conditioned coffee shop) and mull over what I could or should be doing this afternoon, eve, weekend, etc. let me explain:
i jUSt arrived home in South-east Asia after being "home" for an entire month - and whAt a month it was.. go.go.go. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I'll try to update you all in 50 words or less..

. wedding day prep!

Brad and Christine Morgan's BIG DAY! (the beautiful bridesmaids)

. kittykats and homegrls <3

. the cottage and my gp's new pontoon boat

TORONTO! and the newest aveda star :D

. the newest addition to our family, my sweet new niece Alexis with her big brother Owen and their beautiful mom, Cindy

all of my dearest friends...all marrieds, as you can tell by the ring fingers

another perfect baby, Aysia Levi Ouwendyk with her proud (and already amazing) parents Michelle and Bryden - how was your holiday?!

OH my goodness, and there was so so much more. I just wanted to say how much i appreciated everyone welcoming me back into your lives...and making me feel so incredibly loved. My mom kept the fridge stocked with all the favs, someone was always asking me out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and/or coffee [tEA] and whatnot... i was just so blessed. and refreshed.
I made it home ok, all the flights went well, although I will not be getting my luggage for another two days (hopefully, they said saturday so...) my bags got a little delayed at our first layover and didn't make it the rest of the way, so i don't even have unpacking to keep me busy!! But, all is well other than that. Thanks for praying over my journey across the world, and kEEp in touch!


Christine said...

yes....i get to be the first to comment! yeah for blogging again! so obviously you made it there safe and sound. sucks about your luggage though. i'm sure you have clothes and stuff there to tie you over. so its already boring without you here...i mean juls and bec are alright, but...:)j/k
today i am actually going to sit here and finish these THANK YOU cards,..okay maybe not finish, but get a good handle on them. brad surpised me with a sweet stereo system for my birthday so i no longer have to strain my ears to hear music just from the laptop. the bass ROCKS....seriously! we'll have to keep it on low to make sure our neighbors still like us.
anyways, hope your enjoying your reunions back there. happy midwifing!!!
love you

JennJo said...

Glad you had a good time home darling! Been missing your way of being, especially since you haven't been I'll at least get that bit of you again. ;->
Well, I'm off to deliver breastpumps. Happy re-adjusting!

Anonymous said...

Jenna! I was so glad to see you before I left. Glad you are settling back in. Won't be much longer before you get to welcome the new girls! Yay!

I am doing AWESOME at home! I think my time might be alot like yours, no time to miss the RP really till I am back on the plane.. Life is good.

Glad you are blogging again, I missed it while you were home :)