Thursday, May 24, 2007

the "dead shift"

ate ana showing tiffany how to insert an IV...into a blown up glove, a little bit of practice
finding a good, straight vein (of which, i have plENty) My dear Tiffany was bored during the first shift we EvEr worked together, although, there wasn't any labors so we weren't actually WORKing and she got bored and asked if she could stick me with a needle and practice inserting IVs. I have this whole tough guy facade to keep up in the phils, so I had to give in like I wasn't scared and take her inexperience.
aaaand. finally inserting it into the back of my hand. I'll spare you the pics of my face when it was actually IN...(too bad the first pic was ACTually taken last, why the practice poke came AFter the real deal in my hand i'll never knoww) back flow?! take it out. take it out.


Anonymous said...

You put this blog in a strange order, and you didn't post the best pics of freaking out. :) You're amazing. I really thought you wouldn't love me after.

Anonymous said... are crazy...urg...that gave me the creeps to think of someone practicing an'd never catch me doing that...but I guess that's why some of us are in the health care profession and others aren't...I hope you are doing ya...Becky

Anonymous said...

I almost died when I say that picture... seriously Jenna, why must you torture me?
-Guess who?