Friday, January 05, 2007

IF i were a flip:

I'd go to any market/side street to buy a pig-in-bamboo the day before Christmas in preparation for the big feast. ANY special occasion isn't complete without roasting an enTIRE pig on a spit here in the philippines. Christmas Eve day, i saw at lEASt 9 ppl with pigs tied up just like this, lugging them with their trucks, outta their cars and into their yards. From what I've gathered, they have to soak'em down real well before roasting them, so that the skin of the pig won't burn [i'm sure mr.Presti knows ALL about this]. But, oh my GOODness, the squealsss. it's INSANE! WAit, i'm sure i've got a video of it.

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YA...listen to thIS! HEre, we are on a boat, waiting to go scuba diving, while these guys just keep lugging pig, after pig off this boat next to us. it.was.lOUD! The older pigs are allowed to walk, probably because they're too heavy to carry, but they have a hard time trying to get them to 'walk to plank' between the boat and the main reminded me of Gramma and Grandpa's farm, and that piece of ground with bars across it that always kept the pigs in the pen without an actual gate...pretty cool actually...THEN there was the time when a skunk got STUCK in there...well thATs an entirely different story. You can see the guy after the pig, carrying two little piglets strung up by their heels...they are the ones singinggg.

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