Saturday, December 23, 2006

ourBOAT trip -

The lamp is burning low upon my table top
The snow is softly falling
The air is still in the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly calling
If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winters night with you

The fire is dying now, the lamp is growing dim
Shades of night are lifting
The morning light steals across my window pane
Where webs of snow are drifting
If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter night with you
And to be once again with you

A SOng for a Winters Night, by: Theresa Sokryka

I know. this songgg is dePRESSing! ahah, but it's ALL i've been listening to, ever since Michelle sent it to me. And, TRUThfully, i was PRObably singing it in my head while that picture up there was taken. As you can PRObably guess, I didn't much fEEl like going on the boat trip this morning...and, as we headed to our first destination, I was picturing myself resenting the cool salt water on my lips, wishing ONly for Harris Lake (or some OTher cdn, fresh body of water). I was a little bitter and a little overtired.
but THEN...

I climbed a PAlm tree (me gusta las palmaras ;)), ate some pomelo with lois, tossed a fOOtball, bought a sweet shell, got a even SWEETer tan, and suddenly snorkling, exploring, swimming, and enjoying the warm weather on December 23rd wasn't so bad after all :P
I DO wish you could have shared it with me, though.


Dave Heywood said...

Harris Lake...or..Murdock? haha. You don't get any points for whining about tropical beaches and sunshine from THIS guy :P :P, although I COULD feel the chill from the first two pics! Hope all is well...Chalk up another first comment for me. Lates

michelle said...

jenna i sing that song with you all the time! luv michelle