i lOVE this Christmas song!, the one about wanting a hippopotamus for christmas. Mr. Merritt was a cherished public school principal I had for the first half of my 10 years at Vineland. and EvEry year, he'd play this song over the intercom while we were dismissed half a day early to Christmas break - the halls would be packed full of the anticipation of the holidays as well as with hundreds of students making their way to their respective bus lines. It's sUCh a fun song, and I was ALways so excited to be leaving school for CHRISTmas bREAk...ahhh...just good memories. I hope I never forgEt stuff like that.I always considered myself deprived as a child, because we never lived in a two-story house and ALL good christmas movies/songs depict children waking up on Christmas morn' and going DOWNstairs to reveal santa's work. THIS year was the fIRSt time this became true for ME! and I DEFinetly took the opportunity to sing this song as I made my way down the stairs Christmas morn! Our 'house mom', Jenn, had hung stockings full of Christmas surpRISes for us! Tiffany and I are opening them here.
aaand. This is ME, digging through the package that my dearest mother sent me (thank you SO SO much to everyone who sent me a card (and to those that thOUGht about it ;))).
MAkin' EGGnog! ...
after brUNCh we took a christmas morning walk around our neighbourhood, and took a few pictures of this crAzy boat...click it this text to see how they made sUCh a thing...DEFinetly the most impressive boat/nativity scene I"VE ever seen!
chEErsss. to EGGnog. to mAking things from scrAtch. and to chRIStmas in the phils.
Here's (almost) EvEryone, sitting down for our Christmas brunch. I know sOMe of you will appreciate the platter fUll of bAcon in the forefront of the shot :P
Monday, December 25, 2006
'...i can see me now on CHRIStmas mornin' crEEping down the stairs..."
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hey jenna Merry Christmas !!!! and yes the kity kats and homegirls would LOVE that bacon! i lvoe you
luv michelle
that's weird , mary. bryden just had a dream last night that jenna came over to watch movies and stuff and he was talking to you in his sleep. it was like you were here.... oh, man I WISH! i love you tons jiggs. PS. for everyone else who reads this .. . jenna delivered her 2nd baby BOY! i'm so proud of her. you're the best jenna
luv michelle
It sounds like you had an amazing day on that boat AND that bacon looks fabulous...I would like some bacon now....yum...I hope that you had a good Christmas....We love you alot and Matt says "Way to go back catcher" (I had no idea what that meant...but he says it's because you are catching babies...I guess it makes sense : )....WE LOVE YOU and PRAY that this new year brings you many babies (not yours of course) but the ones that you catch!
Matt and Becky xoxo
Jenna....did you ever play for the St. Catharines Athletics? Weird...
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