Sunday, September 10, 2006

19 hOURs on a plane, and no thursday

I was definetly EXhaustEd by the time I arrived in my new city, Davao. FORtunately the guy at the ticket counter seemed to take a special interest in my needs, and therefore I had a window seat ALL 4 plane rides ;) It was pretty sweet. And the longest of them all (13 hours from Seattle to Taiwan) was the easiest of them all - I slept, ate a lot of seafood plane food, and watched a total of 3 movies, none of which were any good excEPt for Over the Hedge. I was totally overwhelmed when I arrived and was separated from my group (4 of the students now live in an apartment, and Tiffany&I live in the house just down the block). It was EASy when we were all new and shy, but moving into a room where ppl are already established, into a house where everyone knows everyone else (I moved in with students from past semesters), and into a ENtire country where I'm SUCH a minority (and, no, this culture doesn't mind stARing) eerrr, I wanted to come home. Saturday I awoke with a whole new perspective on things...sleep always clarifies things! aaand, even though I contact ppl from home as much as possible, I'm adjusting well. Ya, I definetly like it here. All of the 'send offs' were just so grEAt, you guys made me miss home before I even left! [thank you so much for that, by the way]. I still have orientation for the next week, but after that clinics begin along with my first assignment, but I'll try to keep you all posted on what's going on as much as I am able.


Christine said...

hey babe!
good to see a few pics of your travels. i'm looking forward to seeing what your new house looks like and some of the places you will see everyday. i'm sure after orientation week you'll be loving the phils even more. love ya tons!

jenna and brianna konkle said...

aweee. i mISs you guys so so much too! michelle :) you make me smile every time i hear from you! and JULS, skypes with a Y...not an I (hurry up and GET IT. it's wicked)