Monday, December 15, 2008

It's ALmost Christmassssss!! The amazing giRLS of the OC have decorated with lighTS- which makes me super excited. WHenever I see a Christmas tree I literally cry at the thought of seeing the one in my own family room in Canada this year... can'T wait. but can, at the same time.

This weekend has been jammed pACKed fuLL of activities and emotions- scuba, beach, continuities, being called in for deliveries in the middle of night, shifts, sleepless nights, people packing, people leaving, immigration, blahhhh. One more week... and then what?!...


Anonymous said...

you will be home....!
thats exciting...

JennJo said...

Lovely lights! Exciting that you'll be home soon. Those last days emotions are rough. Hang in there. Much love and hugs.