Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our class just finished a pretty intense assignment, and had the test yesterday. It went well! We're on to the next one, postpartum complications. The schedule for March has already been set. The second and third weeks of March will be filled with classes taught by one of our consulting physicians, Dr.Estrella I'm looking forward to sitting through lectures again! After that, I think there's something like 3 more assignments left. NUTS! The end is near. I've uploaded a couple pictures for your viewing pleasure, but mostly to make you jealous of my job!

Just a couple of the babies that were born on shift the other day. The little girl on the left is a low birth weight baby, just under 5 lbs. and her friend on the right is more of a normal size around 7 lbs. Two beautiful girls, both born within a few hours of each other, and both only a few hours old. The difference is pretty crazy eh.

SOmetimes I forget how lucky I am to be able to play with these little dolls every day.


Anonymous said...

Cute babies! And what a difference in their size. I held a babe this morning that was over 9lb at birth and he seemed huge. Don't remember Lois seeming that big when she was just brand new! Blessings, MOM Lois

JennJo said...

Oh am I ever jealous!!

Anonymous said...

I just look at the little babes and smile! I absolutely love reading your blog jenna and i AM jealous of the little ones you get to see everyday but im sure the parents LOVE having you around! And now Brianna gets to join you--oh what fun!!