Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2 thousand&EIGht!

We had reservations at Claude's Cafe de Ville on New Years' Eve - the VIP "zebra" room, a private room off the back of the restaurant (same location as last year..). And, although different from last year's crowd, thIS celebration was definitely not lacking the laughter and excitement! We had organized dinner games planned, complete with questions surrounding 2007. This first picture is of some of the girls dressing for the event.

Lois, Jes and I had to be to work for 10pm that night, so we booked it outta there, rented a jeepney home and continued the party at the clinic! There weren't any labouring women to be checked, so the next few hours were spent hanging out with each girl presenting an animal they had researched. As midwives, we know plENty about human labor and delivery, and as girls we know a thing or two about ..."mating rituals", or at least the courtship it entails. ANYhow, we decided to each research one animal's mating habits, period of gestation, and how the animal gives birth to expand our knowledge of labour and delivery (nOt to mention, the incredible wORld we live in!). It's 2008!!

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