Sunday, October 07, 2007

a little spIN on thanksGIVing feasts..

Let me start the pictures with the final product you see before you. Last Friday I was fortunate enough to accompany a few of the filipinas who, after calculating food and rations enough for 350 families, went to buy the stock. Here is the rice/noodle/and canned fish fest you see before you in the clinic's kitchen after much work of loading and unloading.

Our girls bargaining with the suppliers to get the best deal possible...when asked what this was all about, they simply replied their foreigner staff wanted to bless their people. Everyone was so interested in what was going on...and why (or how) we could buy so much rice.

A stock boy helping to load those huge bags of rice into the multicab.

The multicab packED full of good food! We got rice, mongo beans, noodles, canned fish, vinegar packets, soy packets, etc. to divide and fill individual bags for our patients.

aaaaand, the UNloading! It's kinda cool how this all worked out. We are ready to start this week handing out the food bags. Therefore, anyone who comes for prenatals this whole week will receive a bag of food. Tomorrow just so happens to be the day the DOH (department of health) is coming in for a "final inspection". The update there is that our clinic is fine, we will have our renewed license in hand this week...bUT, the DOH is concerned with the amount of foreign students working at the clinic. They still have the power to say we are not allowed to be helping out at the clinic in the capcity we currently are, which would ultimately shut down Mercy Maternity for lack of man-power. They are aware of this fact, and will hopefully see the care and compassion we have for the ladies we serve. The DOH has appointed monday morning at 7:30 am as a final review. We are excited it fell on this day, trusting and excited about what the Lord has for the clinic.

Thank you for your suppORt in all of this, it means such a great deal to me as well as the other foreigners living here and the native people of Davao..


Dave Heywood said...

Hey there globetrotter...happy thanksgiving...we kind of "opened" the cottage this weekend so it was sweet. Hope things are great for you; it sure seems that way! Cheers

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna!! Boy...does this note of yours remind me of UCM in Buffalo and their Food Pantry!!!"Crazy" Angie....bagging up food ..passing it out to the homeless...etc. UMMM...great memories!!
Love ya!! Bonnie

michelle said...

hey jenna! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! haha bonnie... the food pantry and scrubbing that bathroom down! oh, the good ole days! jenna ... remember the shower in that place??? hhahah

Lorraine and Reinaldo said...

Hi Jenna!
Wow that's alot of rice!!! Reinaldo and I are happy to be able to have a direct impact even though we are so far away.
Have fun giving out the goodie bags this week!
Love, Lorraine and Reinaldo

Anonymous said...

Michelle....yes, the shower was DISGUSTING!! But I do remember Beth asd Kristina LIKING the bathroom chores...and even asking to do them over cooking, etc.!!! Go fiqure!!! Bonnie